Gemini Horoscope

Oct 12, 2024… Today you will likely be a magnet for attracting someone who’s having a tough time. This is one of those vibes of service where you may need to be there for someone else. Even if you just lend a listening ear or help in some way, you will make a difference. It can warm the Gemini heart! So, call on all those resources you’ve been saving for a moment like this and watch just how much you can make a difference.

Today’s Soul Advice: Experiencing loss is hard on the soul. Take time to allow yourself to mourn, feeling all the emotions that come with this. It’s okay to break down and cry, and it’s even okay to scream at the sky if you need to. Holding it in and trying to put on a brave face can damage your body and vibe. Remember, though, it’s okay to experience positivity, too. If you find yourself laughing and smiling while you’re in mourning, that’s all part of the healing process.